Sunday 23 January 2011

Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?

Its true, I did forget about the blog and the lovely people that I forced to follow it, but hey enough of that its time for a catch up!
As promised I did run out of time and lose my mind a little in the run up to hand in day, if I am anything it is consistent in the crazed mad woman act that I carry out in the run up to and the weeks following hand in! To top it all there was Christmas first, which was fun and having five children, it was quite reminiscent of toys r us throwing up in my lounge toys, paper and chocolate faces with a food and present bill to make grown men cry!! Funny how that is all forgotten about when they all smile so sweetly at you. Until next time I say and I will worry about that in October.....okay June I like to be prepared.
Going back to the hand in day, it wasn't so bad....well it could have been worse. As always I thought of about 100 different things that I could have added or done differently though this time there was a bit of a twist, we had to hand in both major projects including final images and work books plus create an exhibition that would run for a week showing our work. The exhibition was to be an installation piece and could not include images that were in frames or on the wall. It was also only part of the art photography assignment and would run parallel with it. Basically it had to represent the work that we had handed in, which in my case was the reconstruction of classic fairytale, using children to portray all the characters. I also went a little further and had the children all decide the composition of the images and the final four for each story. In the end I handed in 3 stories, which were the three little pigs, snow white and little red riding hood. However I also shot images for Cinderella and Hansel and Gretel though these were dismissed at the editing stage. For the exhibition itself I created a bedroom scene including a bed, rug, and basic furniture and had my son dressed as and acting as the big bad wolf in grandmas bed. I then used a projector to show images of little red riding hood walking through a forest behind the wolf. It was a little different but I felt that it went well, it was just a shame that the work only stayed up for a few days in the end given that there was so much work put in by the eight on my course. In actual fact I am being much too nice, some people could have put more effort in but they know who they are......usual suspects lol. Everyone has them the naughty kids that sit at the back and don't give a rats ass, apparently they follow you to university and continue to fly by the seat of their pants! Its true I am jealous of their lack of concern my whole life is a constant of organisation etc......though that suits me!

Above are a couple of the images relating to little red riding hood and the wolf gives the basic idea of my exhibition piece, minus the looped projection of images. I am lucky to have children that are so willing to perform when asked, even if it did cost me in the form of bribery.

My other project was a documentary piece, which as usual I went around the houses to get to my final idea. I first looked at a variety of spaces, including public,residential and private. I then progressed to look at private property and in the end combined a number of ideas and photographed collectors and other enthusiasts within their own personal space with the collection or past time. The images can be seen at the link below.

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