Sunday 14 November 2010

Catch up!

Well it seems like I haven't written in quite a while so there is only one thing for it an impromptu catch up before dinner :)

So I am well and truly stuck into the second year of my college course, and I must say that despite the added pressure heaped on by the lecturers I am enjoying it, and there is no one more surprised than me by that comment! Basically from now until Christmas I wont have two minutes to myself what with organising Christmas for the family and having two major final projects due also. However once its done I will sigh a sigh of relief and then in true Maggie fashion freak out about what I could have done differently.

Last week I went and took some photographs for my parents and their friends, they were delivered all framed and sparkly this week and very warmly accepted too it would seem. There is definite potential in doing home shoots but my head tells me otherwise!!! Where my head takes me (usually into trouble) is as much your guess as mine!

Quite exiting this week for the other half also, he is writing his personal statement for his university application and hopefully this time next year Geoff will be stuck into his fist year at university. The man has amazing artistic talent and has finally seen his work appreciated by others while doing this bridging course prior to uni starts. The downside to having to flake arty parents is that for the foreseeable we will be poorly students and the kids may well miss out on certain things. I just keep telling myself its worth it and one day we will reap the reward and until then just keep doing what we are doing I suppose. Pretty sure my lot are spoiled anyway lol!